Mycelium Entropy Impressions

Today, my Mycelium Entropy arrived.  I was excited about this one -- a simple device designed to do one simple thing.

Here are my initial thoughts:

Nice packaging.  Decent enough build quality.  What's that on the right side?

Branded holographic security seal?

Branded holographic security seal?

This, my friends, is called "Security Theater."  The 'security seal' is *easily* bypassed.  Makes me wonder what other security 'features' they got boneheadedly wrong.

This, my friends, is called "Security Theater."  The 'security seal' is *easily* bypassed.  Makes me wonder what other security 'features' they got boneheadedly wrong.

Its an ATMEL ATSAM4LS4 ARM Coretx M proc

Its an ATMEL ATSAM4LS4 ARM Coretx M proc

wat.  "We're 'open source'!  So f*ck you, you're on your own!"

wat.  "We're 'open source'!  So f*ck you, you're on your own!"

This product is a toy.  This is clever, but does not instill any confidence in their ability to make a financial product.

This product is a toy.  This is clever, but does not instill any confidence in their ability to make a financial product.

I'd reach for any of the other three products before the Mycelium Entropy.

I'd reach for any of the other three products before the Mycelium Entropy.

These are just initial impressions, but man am I disappointed with the presentation and apparent lack of confidence in their own product.

What's the purpose of the holographic sticker?  It fails miserably as a tamper-evident seal.  Its just to look pretty?  Its got Mycelium branding, so some (non-insignificant) part of the price of this device went to a shiny sticker that some folks might interpret incorrectly as adding to its security.  blech.

This is another Bitcoin hardware company throwing around that term 'open source'.  Sure, there's a repo with some code, but the way I found out what processor was running inside was by disassembling mine.

More to come.

Drop your questions for me in the comments section.

(Donations appreciated here: 1Adq8SP8WBWJGHyq8N3bGty8n1m9A3ms81)